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Remzi Oten Black and White Photo Competition

I have started a photo contest with an emphasis on black and white photography. You can find all the information and enter into the contest ...

Sunday, July 3, 2016

I have started using Google's Nik Collection to process some of my photos. Still experimenting. But so far so good. Especially, if you are just starting and do not want to spend much time in editing, you can use Nik Collection's  preset effects. Even though these are preset effects, it allows you to play with several settings to customize for your needs. Best of all it is FREE. You can start and give it a try before switching to more advanced tools such as Photoshop. Here is a processed photo with Google's Nik Collection:

By looking at the above pictures, one can argue whether it was better before processing or after processing. However, the point here is that you can achieve the below effect relatively easy with Google Nik collection.

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